Tried some new techniques on this one, as well as venturing into new subject matter. Click on the link “Gallery of Paintings” to see more work.

Bringing the Pacific Northwest Home
Tried some new techniques on this one, as well as venturing into new subject matter. Click on the link “Gallery of Paintings” to see more work.
Not too far from the house is a small tourist attraction called Madison Falls. It’s one of the many tributaries that fill the might Elwha River, which flows in to the Sound.
This was a watercolor exercise in which I was attempting to loosen my style, perhaps gaining a bit more fluidity in the medium. Not too shabby for a quick study.
Started a new watercolor painting. This one is of an old beautiful antique wheel I found in the desert hills up above Sedona, Arizona. The hub is steel and spokes were once made of wooden limbs.
This first step was done entire with a light wash of Burnt Sienna. I put a couple of ounces of water in a small cup and mixed in a squirt of color. Much of the area that received the wash will eventually be much darker. This initial step was done simply to establish locations of the major forms and shadows.
From there at the rate of about three hours per session the painting was completed. Here’s a shot of the finished painting.
Here is a slide show of progress along the way.
Above is the photo I took of the logging truck while visiting a local motorcycle repair shop. The owner had several old antique logging vehicles on his property. I thought they were worthy of a painting.
Below is a gallery of shots depicting the process or steps I am using to achieve the final paining. The painting is ongoing so come back often to check out my progress. So far, so good.
Here are the colors used: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Indian Yellow, Cadmium Red Deep, Alizarin Crimson, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Hooker’s Green Light, Hooker’s Green Deep, Phthalo blue, Ultramarine Blue, Payne’s Grey.